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QOTW – Food Safety Culture

Magnattack Global Food Safety Quote Of The Week:

“The goal of the food safety professional should be to create a food safety culture, not a food safety program.” – Frank Yiannas, Author of Food Safety Culture: Creating a Behavior-Based Food Safety Management System.

What is the priority of your team? Is it to just check the boxes…or is it to exceed the program requirements and be continuously focused on creating the safest process and presenting the safest product to your customers?

A food safety culture within your team will be much more valuable and effective than a food safety program. A food safety mindset will cause your team to judge every action, every step of the process, and think ‘how can we improve this so that we produce a safer product?’

The goal of a food safety professional should be to create a food safety culture, not a food safety program.

How do you create a food safety ‘culture’ in your organization? Let us know in the comments below!
